Complete the Reigstration Form. You may pay through the website using PayPal or by check/money order payable to NDVC. Your space in the class is not confirmed until you have paid your workshop fee. Enrollment is limited.
Send payment to:
Amy Brown, Course Coordinator/Director
Orff Schulwerk Levels Certification/Teacher Education Program
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
School of Music
4505 S. Maryland Parkway
Box 455025
Las Vegas, NV 89154-5025
Early Bird Registration: OPENS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2025
Due by May 1
Early Bird Workshop Fee: $799 ($399 for Master Class)
Workshop fee registrations postmarked:
After May 1
Regular Workshop Fee: $900 ($500 for Master Class)
NOTE: Those who register after June 15 may not have access to a hard copy of the notes. T-shirt availability may also be limited.
Repeat Program:
Past participants may also repeat a level for only $500.
If you are a past participant you will need to indicate the year in which you attended and what Level you completed.
No refunds after June 15
Graduate Credit
(3 Credits)
The course registration fee is for the Orff Levels Teacher Education/Certification Program only. Your registration fee does not include the cost of UNLV graduate credit. If you anticipate enrolling in Music 642 (Level I), Music 643 (Level II), Music 648 (Master Class) for graduate credit the procedure is as follows. First, please indicate your intentions on the course registration form and pay the Course Registration Fee. Once that financial obligation is fulfilled our course director will contact Educational Outreach with your information. This must be done before you can register with the Graduate College for credit. Once cleared by the course, our course director will send you additional information regarding the graduate credit registration process. For those students working on a Master's Degree in Music with an emphasis in Orff Schulwerk, Music 642 (Level I), 643(Level II), and 644(Level III) are required credits for your degree. The cost per credit for Summer Term is not determined until March-April of 2024. The Summer Term cost in 2022 was $325 per credit for Nevada residents and an additional $100 per credit for non-Nevada residents. You may contact Educational Outreach or the Graduate Office for costs and additional fee requirements.
PLE Credits Available for Licensed Nevada Teachers
(3 Credits)
The Orff Levels Teacher Education/Certification Program has been approved by the state for PLE credit. The PLE credit will benefit those of you who are not seeking a Master's Degree in Orff Schulwerk, but who are seeking credits towards license renewal or salary advancement. Your course registration fee will cover the instructors’ salary. There is a $15 administrative PLE fee. PLE sign-up will take place through ELMS. You will receive payment and final registration information from the PLE office during the course. You may not take the course for UNLV graduate credit and PLE credit concurrently. If you have already completed Level I, Level II, or Level III for graduate credit or for no credit you can repeat them for PLE credit. You may not receive PLE credit twice for the same Level. Grading for the PLE will be pass/fail. 100% attendance, active participation, and completion of all assigned tasks are required for a passing grade.